I hate shopping during the christmas season

My wife absolutely loves shopping for the kids at christmas.

She makes a list and she checks to make sure that everything has been purchased.

She makes lists for each one of the kids and for her parents and her sister. She makes a list for my mom and dad and my brother as well. During the holiday shopping season, my wife likes to go to the store or the mall every single day. I hate shopping during the Christmas season. I would rather sit in the car and drive her from place to place. Unfortunately, my wife won’t let me sit in the car with all of the other guys. I have to walk around the store with her and act like I have a decision about the things that she is going to buy. She asks my opinion on colors for a new blanket, but she makes up her own mind when it comes down to the decision. My wife wanted to go holiday shopping last weekend and it was the last weekend before christmas. I was absolutely against the idea and the only way that she could convince me to change my mind was to offer me recreational marijuana. We don’t regularly use recreational marijuana products, so it was a treat. We went to the recreational marijuana dispensary near me and I bought a couple of marijuana joints. I stayed high all day long and I honestly didn’t mind shopping once I was high on recreational marijuana. It was fun and entertaining to see Santa and the elves everywhere that we went.

Marijuana for sale

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