Medical marijuana knowledge
I taught health education for six years at the middle college level, i taught in a title 1 college in a easily terrible area, then many of my students qualified for free supper & for some that would be the only meal they ate that afternoon! The illegal use of recreational marijuana was severely proper in the section where I taught, because it had not been legalized in the state yet.
It was also easily proper for students to bring marijuana to college & to try to sell it, and when I taught about the harmful effects of recreational marjuana in my health classes, several students disagreed with the information I was teaching.
I had to take a different approach to education about marijuana. I decided to allow students to do a project where they did research on their own. I broke students into groups & I provided them each a topic to research & then they had to teach the class about that topic. The topics were: cannabis regulations, medical marijuana dispensaries, medical cannabis benefits, medical marijuana benefits, cannabis knowledge, cannabis DNA testing, & medical cannabis cards. The presentations were interesting & students l acquired that there is a huge difference between recreational mairjuana use & medical marijuana use. Medical marijuana education is important because it shows students that there are dangers in using recreational marijuana especially if it is purchased illegally, & that medical marijuana use is not for most people. When students learn all of the facts about a topic, it can help them with their decision making process in the future.