Had to stay local due to COVID

I got married right in the height of COVID.

It really stinks because my husband and I had planned to do an international honeymoon.

We wanted to go to Norway and see the fjords, waterfalls, and do the crazy long hikes. Instead we had to stay within the United States since everywhere else was closed. It was difficult to find a good location to have our honeymoon. I wanted good weather, things to do, and great things to see. However, I didn’t want to have a bunch of COVID restrictions, but I wanted access to recreational cannabis. Typically the states that allow recreational marijuana were stricter with what they allowed COVID wise. I wasn’t willing to budge on the recreational weed. If we couldn’t do anything overseas, I wanted to at least try weed. Our state is medical cannabis only and is very strict in the guidelines. It was really fun going to a new location and being allowed to try out all the different types of cannabis. I tried all kinds of edibles like THC infused gummies, candies, and chocolates. My husband vaped a bunch of unique strains like Purple Haze and Blue Dream. It was a really fun time. We made due with our location. My husband and I did some hiking, swimming, and shopped in the city. It wasn’t the best trip we had ever been on, but it was cheap and what we were allowed to do at the time. I will always remember that we had to honeymoon somewhere different due to COVID.


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