Trying to treat my depression with cannabis
I always think I can handle all my problems without any help.
This is one of my character flaws, I have come to realize.
A few months ago I finally started going to therapy, and I admit that it was long overdue. I was so fixated on doing everyone alone, it hurt me in the long run. Therapy isn’t the right choice for everyone, and for years I thought it wasn’t right for me either. I tried to bury my problems with booze and cannabis, and for a while I was so numb that I thought I was improving even though I wasn’t. When I smoked cannabis all day long, I stayed high and forgot about my problems for a while. When the cannabis wore off, my problems were still right there waiting for me. My therapist Dr Kim said I was self-medicating with cannabis and whiskey and needed to taper off. He prescribed some pills for me to take, but I didn’t like the way they made me feel. While I think Dr Kim is very helpful with my mental issues, I think the pills are more harmful than cannabis ever was. I decided to trust my instincts and resume self-medicating with cannabis, although I did stop drinking alcohol. Dr Kim didn’t like my choice, but I stood my ground, partially because cannabis is non-addictive, which wasn’t true about the pills he wanted me to take. Why should I risk developing an addiction to these new medications when I can keep treating my stress with safe, delicious cannabis instead?