I don't need everyone to know our business
The two of us applied for a medical marijuana card and my fiance plus myself chose not to tell a single person about it.
The two of us knew that there would be family members as well as friends that would want to share some of these products.
The two of us did not want to waste our expensive medical marijuana as well as we did not want to be responsible for having someone else use their drugs that were not prescribed. My friend plus myself went to a marijuana shop in the morning to option up and order and I took some edibles. My friend as well as myself we’re both hungry as well as looks for lunch. There was a container near the bar that had medical marijuana and it was out on the stand. My friend as well as myself were sitting at the table when someone walked in and it was first thing to check out items in the bag. Of course people had a ton of questions about medical marijuana but I did not really want to answer them all myself. The two of us were happy to talk for a few minutes but I tried to focus on questions and not the products that were mine. There was a name on the bag and cream for my arthritis. The person was annoyed when I said she could not take any marijuana products home with her. It was my medical marijuana and I was going to keep things that way.