I didn’t intend to break the tv
My wife Max thinks that my friends in addition to I say in addition to do stupid things when my friends and I get-together in addition to smoking marijuana.
I’ve been telling Max that she is wrong, but now I’m start to suppose that she might be right.
Max went to a spa with her mom in addition to her baby sister for the weekend in addition to two of my oldest buddies came over to play video games in addition to hang out. One buddy went back to his loft on Tuesday evening to chill out with his wifey, but the other one stayed. He had some recreational marijuana in his pocket in addition to my friend and I decided to smoke a joint. It’s not an immense deal to smoke a recreational marijuana joint because it’s legal in the state. There are a handful of marijuana dispensaries nearby with great sales on flower, edibles, in addition to concentrates. I don’t officially smoke marijuana, but I thought it sounded like tons of fun in addition to I knew that Max wasn’t going to be back loft until the next day… By then the effects from the marijuana joint should wear off in addition to everything would be fine. I did not account for the fact that I was going to get so completely stoned in addition to making disappointing decisions. My buddy got me so high in addition to then I decided to play with the VR. I threw one of the controllers into the cable screen in addition to it breaking. The $1,500 cable won’t work anymore in addition to my wifey won’t let me forget that it happened on my watch. I told Max that it was an accident, but I did not include the fact that Jason in addition to I was both blazed when the accident occurred.