Cannabis gave strength to Grandma Ruth
She said that cannabis was something I had to stay away from for a few more years, but of course I did not listen to her
Grandma Ruth was the one who taught me about cannabis edibles. Even well into her 70s Ruth was a spitfire of a woman who never slowed down. She was always so placid and even-keeled, the whole family relied on her for strength and emotional support. Ruth was a true matriarch, the glue that held the whole family together. What most people never knew was that Ruth was pretty much stoned 24/7. Her calm demeanor and unshakable spirit were both byproducts of a constant intake of potent cannabis edibles. This came to my attention one day when I snuck into the kitchen and took one of her “special” cookies from the cookie jar. An hour later I was feeling on top of the world, and told Ruth what had happened, so she had to explain to me what cannabis was, and how I had accidently eaten some. She wasn’t mad, of course, even though she told me those cookies were not mine to eat, that was just to protect me. As we all know, cannabis is not harmful at all, so she didn’t freak out, she actually let me enjoy being stoned! Afterwards we had a long talk, about how she ate her cannabis cookies every day to keep herself calm and healthy. She said that cannabis was something I had to stay away from for a few more years, but of course I did not listen to her. I started stealing more of her cannabis cookies, until it got to a point that she hid them from me, and replaced them with raisin cookies in her cookie jar.