I love being a cannabis delivery driver
Thank goodness the winter is coming! When the weather turns cold, business picks up for those of us in the delivery business.
Please don’t call me a “delivery boy” that is degrading.
I am a grown man, who’s chosen profession is delivering things to people. I started delivering pizzas when I was in high school. Since I like to drive, it’s an easy way to make money. Currently I work for a cannabis dispensary, which is a huge improvement over pizzas let me tell you. It doesn’t matter what I deliver, because when it gets cold out demand rises. Even though most of the cannabis dispensary customers live within a few blocks, they just don’t want to go out in the frigid weather. They would much rather pay for delivery, and tip the driver, then fight the frost and the snow to go to the cannabis dispensary in person. I don’t mind, because this is the best season for tips, and the cold doesn’t bother me. Cannabis customers tend to tip very well for deliveries anyway, but when the temps dip so low it makes them feel guilty. One of my regular cannabis delivery customers is a sweet old lady, and she actually gave me a travel mug of hot cocoa when I dropped off her cannabis concentrates. The rule at the cannabis dispensary is that tipping is never to be encouraged, and I respect that rule. We get paid an hourly wage for cannabis delivery, so tips are not expected or needed – but I never ever turn one down!