How do I get cannabis on the cruise ship?
My wife surprised me by booking passage on a cruise ship for a two-week tour of the Caribbean. At first I was stoked for this, because I have never been on a cruise before. The thought of lounging on the deck, a cocktail in my hand, just soaking in the sun for a few days sounded amazing! Then I started to think about what I would have to leave behind. Although cruise ships are well known for their extensive array of alcoholic beverages, they are not okay with smoking cannabis on the boat. On a whim I checked out a series of forums on Reddit involving cannabis on cruise ships. I found something very interesting indeed – on certain cruise ships there are “friendly” cabin boys who sell cannabis on the side. Almost every cruise ship has a resident cannabis dealer, because it was such a profitable venture. Once you are out at sea there are no options for marijuana, so the one person who has it can name their price! Employees of the cruise line are not subject to the same searches and supervision as the tourists, so it is much easier for them to sneak cannabis onto the ship. I spent a couple of days snooping around the message boards, and found the name of the cabin boy on my cruise who was supposed to have cannabis to sell. I have reached out to this guy anonymously through the website to say I was interested in buying an ounce of cannabis from him as soon as I get on the ship. Still waiting to hear back!