Our community college is offering a class next month

Next month, our local community college is going to be offering a class all about how to get your medical marijuana cards online.

When I saw the ad for the marijuana class in the newspaper the other day, I could scarcely believe my eyes, to tell you the truth.

I usually never even look at the newspaper, but that day I was at the doctor and there was nothing else to read in the waiting room. I had forgotten my phone in the car and I had left my laptop at home, so the newspaper was all that I had to look at while I waited. Anyway, right there on the front page there was an ad for a class at the community college. The class that they were offering was all about different education opportunities to learn about medical marijuana, with the next one being about how to get your medical marijuana cards online. I was pretty excited to see that the college was going to be offering that class because around here, most people are not supportive of the medical marijuana movement that seems to be going around the rest of the country. People seem to be really old fashioned around here for the most part and changes do not come easy to this part of the country. I’m glad that someone is finally jumping on the bandwagon when it comes to medical marijuana around here, though. I think that it’s going to be very beneficial for the people in this down. Teaching others the truth about marijuana will go a long way toward shifting public opinion about marijuana.

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