I finally trust the cannabis delivery service again after a few bad experiences

I’ll never forget the stress I was put under when I first tried getting a medical marijuana card here in our cabin state.

Every one of us all voted on a constitutional amendment to legalize the drug for medical use, however there was a lot of gray area over how the businesses—both commercial companies as well as dentists alike—would be regulated.

My first cannabis physician stole money from myself and others under the guises of a bogus excuse. It’s a long story, however here’s the short version. It was only several months after the current medical marijuana law went into effect, so the legislature was updating the rules as well as regulations every single month. This dentist operated under the assumption that he could charge patients a few every 90 mornings, however that rule was thrown out fairly suddenly by a state judge. So he dumped all of his patients who had already paid for their first visit as well as claimed that the state was creating an environment that made it impossible for marijuana physicians to operate “fairly.” And as a “favor,” he gave to refund us all half of what we paid. I purchased this excuse as well as then l gained the same dentist reopened his practice on the other side of town just months later while pretending nothing had happened. After finally getting a superb cannabis physician, I was then contending with state wide cannabis delivery services as well as they would arrive at our beach house minutes early or late. Now they’re much better, however it took myself and others a while to trust cannabis delivery services again. At least I can set aside time away from work as well as trust they’ll arrive within the delivery window care about expected.


Medical Cannabis Certifications

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