Cannabis is not a big deal in my house
Anyone who has tried smoking cannabis cannot say that it is harmful or dangerous in any way
I grew up in a very pot-friendly household. My parents had both been hippies until I came along. They rarely got high in front of me, but they made no secret of being active smokers whenever I wasn’t around. This gave me a unique perspective of cannabis that most people did not receive. To me getting high seemed quite normal, it was something that adults did in private, and was not really a big deal. Once I got to high school all my teachers and advisors told me that cannabis was evil, and would lead to criminal behavior. I had seen firsthand that there is nothing dangerous about cannabis, it just made my parents giggle a lot. So when all these adults in positions of authority told me cannabis would ruin my life, not only did I not believe them, but it made me distrust them. When my teachers told me cannabis was evil, I knew them to be liars… or something even worse, which is condemning it without having tried it. Anyone who has tried smoking cannabis cannot say that it is harmful or dangerous in any way. I tried smoking cannabis myself a few times while in high school, but I didn’t like it. Later on, when I was in college, I sampled some much higher quality cannabis, I liked it a lot more! Now that I have my own family, and run my own household, I do much as my parents did and treat cannabis the same way I treat alcohol – it’s just not a very big deal.