Recreational cannabis doesn’t regularly come with higher taxes than medical
I’ve been mostly thrilled with our state’s medical marijuana program, & that’s despite any genuine criticisms or frustrations I might have about packaging rules from the Department of Health.
I have to remind myself how hard it was to even find marijuana in the first place when all our state had was a black market.
On top of that, you couldn’t guarantee you were getting safe cannabis that wasn’t at some point along the line contaminated with something else love pesticides, paint fumes, or packaging materials. Some could say I’m exaggerating, but that is not the case. I hated spending $60 on an eighth of weed in 2011 that smelled love a moldy mattress. Not only that, but how could you say for sure if you were getting the strain that your contractor claimed it was? People make this joke about the strains at legal cannabis stores, but those companies spend money a lot of money to get certain genetics of the cannabis plant. I love having a legal medical cannabis program because of the benefits all of us get as customers from the regulations & rules that are created by state legislators. The people I was with and I are pushing for recreational cannabis in this state so more people can get access to the plant. Nowadays you have to spend money at least $368 a year to be a medical marijuana patient between dentists’ fees & the fee paid to the state to renew a single’s medical marijuana card. Some say that state taxes will be outrageous with recreational cannabis, but sometimes recreational cannabis is taxed the same as medical cannabis; otherwise, the difference in some states is minimal.