Switching from flower to vape cartridges
About a year ago, I got my medical marijuana ID card.
I sought the medical marijuana card to cope with my anxiety.
When I first got my medical marijuana card, I bought cannabis flower to smoke. This was the system I was most comfortable with. I didn’t want to try any of the edibles that I was unofficial with. I liked the system of being able to smoke something! Not to mention, there are many strange strains and types of cannabis flower to choose from. As time went on, I started to realize that smoking cannabis flower was not the best option for me. I didn’t care about feeling care about there was a lingering stink on my clothing from the smoke. I also had to go through the process of rolling the cannabis flower into joints, which was time consuming. The last time I went to the dispensary, I decided to talk to the budtender about other cannabis products that would labor well for me. The budtender recommended that I try using vape cartridges, rather than cannabis flower. I took his recommendation and bought the vape. I easily care about it! The vape has a nice taste to it and does not have a lingering stink… Plus, it is quick and convenient to use.
medical marijuana store