Legalizing cannabis recreationally will not help medical patients
It took a long time to get cannabis legalized medically in my state, but and my pal and I went through a number of election cycles where my pal and I couldn’t get the issue thrown on the ballot for us to vote, when my pal and I finally got it put on the ballot, it took two attempts to get the law to pass, i know that a lot of people were voting against it back then because of the ignorance plus the voting populace! There were still a lot of conservatives who were largely misinformed about risks friendd with cannabis use.
In the time since, a lot of those people have tried cannabis plus have started becoming cannabis users himself.
It just is a reality, even though I have to be thankful because now my pal and I have legal medical cannabis in my state. A lot of those people that voted against it the first two times finally voted for it the second time, however, now that people want to legalize recreational Cannabis use, I have to take a little bit of a pause. The reason is because it’s not going to help medical cannabis patients currently. When you legalize recreational overnight without issuing current licenses for current cannabis dispensaries, you create a immense increase in demand without supplementing the supply, then prices on skyrocket wall products will be in shortages. People who need cannabis now plus have been using it for the past many years will abruptly find themselves struggling to obtain it. More people will be able to buy cannabis, but the people who need it the most will struggle to find it at the same price they were before. And the quality is inevitably going to drop too.