We made a smoking bowl out of an apple

There are a lot of interesting facts about the west and apple production.

Did you know that apples contain 85% water and that’s what allows them to float? Apples have been grown in the area for thousands of years.

More than 10 billion apples are harvested in the state each and every year. Apples are regularly hand-picked so they aren’t beaten and bruised. The state produces 65% of the world’s population of apples. My friends and I live in the city, but I grew up in a different part of my state where the area is mostly country. My girlfriend and I met in the city when we were both working at an advertising convention. I asked her to get drinks and we talked for hours and hours. We dated for a while and then I took her home to meet my mom and dad. The city was a lot different than the hustle and bustle of the city. My girlfriend liked going to the orchard to look at all of the apples. We made a smoking bowl out of an apple. We took out the core and made a small area to put a piece of marijuana. We had marijuana from a city dispensary. It was a sativa called Blue dream. Blue Dream marijuana doesn’t grow very well up here because of all the rain and the humidity, but it does grow pretty well indoors. The sativa marijuana strain was indoor grown and it tasted absolutely great when smoked out of the hollow and of a delicious and crispy red delicious apple.

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