Using Medical Cannabis for Ulcerative Colitis as well as Crohn’s disease

If you or a loved one has ever dealt with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, you know how incapacitating it can be. The symptoms of these inflammatory bowel diseases can make it difficult to lead a normal life, and they range from abdominal pain and cramping to diarrhea and weight loss. For patients with Crohn’s…

Terpenes are aromatic oils

Terpenes are the essential oils in cannabis that produce that distinctive aroma. The cannabis plant produces over one hundred different terpenes. Terpenes can be found in every type of fruiting plant. They alter the cannabis aroma in more ways than one. Each strain has its own unique set of terpenes, which contribute to its distinct…

How CBD Aids Fall Asleep

Finally, CBD can also aid in the regulation of our circadian rhythm (the time we spend asleep and awake) Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the body and mind in today’s fast-paced, constantly shifting world. The restorative effects of sleep on our bodies cannot be overstated. Resting and recharging the body and mind…