It was a six hour flight to get better cannabis
My boss wanted me to represent the supplier at an expo on the other side of the country.
It had been about 6 years since I had flown and I was nervous; Pulling the Band-Aid off was difficult enough, and I was going to be experiencing a 6-hour flight from my state all the way to the east coast, but the 6-hour flight was entirely long and I was getting quite impatient with the lady in front of me.
She had a 3-year-old on her lap and the kid kept turning around to stare at me. I put on my eye patch, even though I could still feel the youngsters’ eyup glaring at me. The flight from my area left around 3:00 in the afternoon… My boss let me have the whole afternoon off so I could get to the local airport on time. I had a direct flight so I didn’t have to worry about any layovers. The only thing that I was entirely sad about was recreational marijuana. I knew that I was going to have a lot of panic and anxiety on the plane but there was no way that I could take marijuana with me. I did my best to smoke as much marijuana as I could before I got to the airport and I snuck in some gummies so I could eat a bunch of edibles before I got on the plane. They wore off halfway through the trip and I thought I was going to lose my mind. I very should have taken a Xanax or some prescription medication that would have knocked me out for the entire length of the trip.