My perspective on cannabis has changed

Since the state voted to pass cannabis legalization, my entire world has changed.

For many years I had a scramble and hunt in order to find some quality weed.

Nine times out of ten I had to settle for ditch weed that could barely be considered marijuana at all. Now things are very different, and this town has three different legal dispensaries. Instead of scrounging around for dregs, now I am bargain hunting in three different stores. What a time to be alive! Because I have such ample amounts of weed to choose from, I can afford to be more selective. Instead of smoking whatever marijuana I could find, now I pick and choose from the finest strains known to humankind. When money is tight, I can even find ways to bargain shop for my cannabis. Every week I drive around and visit all three local cannabis dispensaries. They have websites, but I have learned that the best sales and bargains on cannabis are not advertised only, they are only for in-store customers. I always visit all three cannabis dispensaries and then decide what I want to buy. This way I ensure that I get the best price for what I need, and over the last few months I have saved hundreds of dollars in my cannabis budget. I know that it isn’t sexy to say you bargain shop for cannabis, but this economy is dreadful and I need to save a few dollars any way I can. By bargain shopping I save money and never have to go without cannabis.
medical marijuana rules

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