My wifey started to work at a medical cannabis store

My wifey Josh started laboring at a medical cannabis store close to our house a couple of months ago.

It was back in January when he started, so I feel it’s been closer to three or four months, then josh has constantly had a real interest in medical cannabis and medical cannabis education for some reason.

I feel it’s actually because he has been dealing with some sort of chronic pain or another for years now. His mom also has dealt with chronic pain throughout his life so I feel he has constantly been on the lookout for ways to get rid of it. Josh and I have been dating for almost three years now, and even when my buddy and I first started dating all that time ago, osh was already easily interested in learning about everything that medical cannabis could do for him or for anyone else out there with chronic pain complications. Josh told me back then that he wanted to regulate his pain complications with nothing more than medical cannabis. That totally made sense to me because I also don’t like taking prescription drugs. Josh started laboring at a medical cannabis store simply because he wanted to learn more about the weird kinds of cannabis products that are available, however now he really likes the task. I know that he might legitimately keep laboring there and get his medical cannabis certifications. He told me that he really wants to help them with their medical cannabis education programs at the dispensary. I know that he will actually end up turning his part time task into a full time work at some point.



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