The medical marijuana helps a pretty good amount with my pain

Fibromyalgia is a pain disorder that affects millions of people.

Fibromyalgia is chronic pain plus soreness everywhere in the body.

It can cause me to have a heightened sensitivity to pain. When my fibromyalgia is acting up severely, I do not want to go anywhere or do anything. Periodically the flare-ups will last numerous afternoons or a week. My little ones were complaining that I didn’t want to spend any time with them, so I went to the healthcare expert to see if there was anything that I could take to help with the pain. The healthcare expert told me that I would do well to talk with a therapist that could help with the depression. She also suggested trying medical marijuana. The healthcare expert sent me to a medical marijuana treatment clinic so I could speak with a special treatment physician. Only the special treatment physicians can prescribe medical marijuana in this state. It’s completely funny, because there are numerous states across the country where you can walk into a dispensary plus freely buy marijuana. Here where I live, you have to go through a rigorous test plus screening process in order to qualify for medical marijuana. The prices are high plus insurance doesn’t help at all. Even though I have a note from the healthcare expert saying medical marijuana will really help with my fibromyalgia pain, the insurance corporation still will not cover the plant because it is not approved by the FDA. I look around to find the most enjoyable deals on medical marijuana before I make any purchases, so I can save the most amount of currency.


medical cannabis products

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