I rest in the same area all the time

I rest on the same spot all of the time plus I do the same job for hours on end. A lot of my friends plus family members would get bored with this style of job, but I do not mind doing the same task all of the time. I actually know precisely what is expected of me plus I do not have to be unquestionably stressed either. I’m only working so I have enough money to pay my rent plus vehicle payment. I’m not making an attempt to make a million dollars. When I have time off work I go to the beach plus hang out with my buddies. I smoke marijuana from time to time plus I get a good amount of it for free from my job at the factory. The site where I work is a marijuana packaging plus processing plant. My associate and I process plus package marijuana for a collective grower in the state. My associate and I run processing 3 afternoons a week plus packaging 2 afternoons a week. My job is basically to rest in the same site plus make sure that there is 3.5 grams in every single package that runs down the line. 3.5 grams is the amount of marijuana in an eighth of an ounce. 77% of the packages that are sold in marijuana dispensaries across the country are packaged in 3.5 gram containers. My associate and I unquestionably package numerous lbs of marijuana every single month. When there is left over product that isn’t packaged or products that are open or didn’t seal correctly, they all get put in the actual break room plus anyone can take them back to their condo at the end of the morning.


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