After the new marijuana law passed, criminals were released
They flooded into the town at once
Medical marijuana was on the ballot three times before. This time the people voted overwhelmingly to legalize medicinal marijuana in the state, it only took 3 years before recreational marijuana was also on the ballot… The citizens spoke in superb numbers and came out to vote and the recreational marijuana bill was passed with nearly 77% of all voters resoundingly saying YES, however after the law was passed, a lot of things changed. There was a clause in the law stating that every criminal in prison or jail for possession was going to be released from jail once the new law passed. There were a lot of criminals doing time for minor drug charges! People were getting either 6 months or a year in jail just for possessing an second of marijuana. An ounce was considered drug trafficking and carried a minimum 5-year sentence. After you could buy an ounce of quality marijuana from the dispensary legally and carry it on your person, it was certainly difficult to keep all of those people in jail. A lot of the criminals from the state jails were released at the same time. They flooded into the town at once. The other people I was with and I have a dozen or more released convicts staying in the hotel where we work. They all have jobs, but they have to live in the hotel because they cannot get a rental house due to their criminal record. I suppose the record should be expunged now that the crime is no longer registered on the books, then unfortunately, that is not the way that the law was written in our state.