Terpenes add to the marijuana concentrate flavor profile

Terpenes are natural plant botanicals that add flavoring or scent to perfumes, health as well as beauty products, as well as foods. Terpenes are naturally found in the cannabis sativa plant. There are more than 30 bizarre types of terpenes that are found in plants as well as plant species. The plants can be grown to enhance the natural terpenes. Some terpenes found in cannabis strains include limonene, pinene, as well as myrcene, however limonene can be found in several natural substances. Limonene is responsible for making fruits like lemons as well as lime aroma citrusy. Limonene can mimic the body cells that are responsible for immune support as well as good health. Limonene can be used as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, as well as it has been proven to help with diabetes, pinene occurs abundantly in cannabis sativa strains too. There are two main types of pinene(a as well as b). Pinene aromas like rosemary, pine, basil, as well as plants. Pinene has several therapeutic benefits as well as is officially used in health as well as beauty aids as well as in spas. Myrcene is another terpene commonly found in marijuana strains. Myrcene is found in hops, thyme, as well as lemonshrubbery. Myrcene is known to be one powerful antioxidant. It can help with osteoporosis as well as arthritis symptoms… When you add any of these terpenes to marijuana concentrate, it can enhance the flavor of the cannabis plants. I like the taste of limonene in our cannabis concentrate. Some of our number one strains with limonene are super lemon haze, lime sherbert, as well as lemon pound cake. It’s nice to get some sativas as well as indica strains that contain the flavors as well as terpenes that I like.
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