Love my pet sitter job

I have a job as a pet sitter, and I have an online website where you can book the services.

I can come over to your house just to put food in a bowl while you are at the office or I can stay at your cabin to completely care for the animals while the homeowner is on a holiday, but a lot of people don’t know what to do with their creatures when they work or travel.

It is stressful, you want your pet happy and to know they are being taken care of, there are tons of dog services out there. It is easier to take a dog to a kennel where they have fun with other creatures, but cats honestly aren’t the same. They are more independent and less likely to get along with others, and most cats don’t travel well at all. That is where I come in. I like our work as a pet sitter. I have shoppers that use me just about every day. I see a wide variety of animals. They are all odd ages, colors and have particular needs; What I prefer about our task is that I can vape cannabis while I do it. I ride my bike to all the houses. I wear our vape pen around our neck. I can just take a few hits at odd stops along the way. I don’t have any scent when I vape cannabis oil on our clothing. I also keep a high CBD and low THC combo so I am not high on the task. It is nice that I have a task that allows me the freedom to smoke recreational weed. A normal office task wouldn’t be as cool about it.


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