Sativa and indica strains are much different

I’ve had ADD for a long time and I still struggle with sleeping at night

Even though both indica and sativa cannabis strains come from the same plant, they are vastly different in smell, shape, size, and potency. Indica plants are widely used for relieving pain and physical relaxation. Sativa plants are widely used for fighting depression and anxiety, and bringing out creativity and energy. The only real way that you can understand and know the true strain of the plant is to buy marijuana from an authorized and licensed recreational or medical marijuana dispensary. Marijuana that goes to a dispensary has to be subjected to rigorous testing. All of the information about the plant and the strain has to be on the package label. Information like the terpenes, CBD count, and total cannabinoids all have to be included on the package information. Sativa strains are labeled sativas and indica strains are labeled as indicas. When I go to the dispensary to purchase a sativa, I want to be sure that the product is going to leave me feeling energetic, uplifted, and high. When I purchase an indica, the product should make me feel sleepy and tired. I usually prefer to purchase indica products, because I use recreational marijuana in the evening to help me sleep. After a long day, I find it very difficult to calm down. I’ve had ADD for a long time and I still struggle with sleeping at night. Recreational marijuana absolutely helps me get a better night of sleep. I can sleep 5 or 6 hours and wake up feeling refreshed. There really isn’t anything else for ADD that helps like marijuana.


recreational pot dispensary

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