I don't have to work very hard at work

My neighbor Michael as well as myself are much different, but we all have some things that are in common.

I believe that’s why the people I was with in addition to myself are easily great friends.

Both of us really don’t like to go outdoors and we always prefer to keep right to our self. The only time we ever have to talk with people as when there is a problem with our apartment. The people I was with in addition to myself share some major interests. We would be different other than these interests, which include a variety of activities. One of those activities is smoking marijuana. Both my roommate and addition to myself use recreational marijuana. It’s fun to have a roommate that I also smokes weed to. My roommate is heavily into golf. A couple of months ago, he asked me to be his caddy for a golf game. I told my friend that I didn’t know anything at all about Golf and suggested he find someone that did. He then told me that he didn’t really need someone that knew a lot about golf. He needed someone that knew a lot about marijuana and would be able to help him out during the day by providing all of the items necessary. When I realized that all the job entailed was giving the guy marijuana throughout the day, I thought it was a good idea and it sounded like a lot of fun to join him for the day. We sure had a ton of fun.


Marijuana oils

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